
Average score 924 Reviews
Marie Lemaire noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Everything is always perfect at Komé, the atmosphere, the cuisine, the service. I enjoy each of my visits. thanks to the whole team (Original) Tout est toujours parfait chez Komé, l'ambiance, la cuisine, le service. Je me régale à chacune de mes venues. Merci à toute l'équipe

4 months ago
RONGIER PHILIPPE noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Warm place and excellent cuisine. I recommend ! (Original) Endroit chaleureux et excellente cuisine. Je recommande !

4 months ago
Emeline Druel noted on Google

4 months ago
Michal Belniak noted on Google

4 months ago
Sarah Smith noted on Google

4 months ago
Carole BONNET noted on Google

4 months ago
Isabelle Cochet noted on Google

4 months ago
Laurianne Charrier noted on Google

4 months ago
Yahelle Laroche noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Coming at 7, there was something for everyone (nems, sushi, ramen, poke bowl...). You would think that the quality would be degraded but on the contrary, everyone was delighted with their choice, special mention for the sushi, the coleslaw and the miso soup - the stir-fried ramen was just a little too greasy to taste of the guest concerned. Nice room, nice decor even in the toilets. Order by smartphone - you have to be connected! - which allows for fast service and also easy recommendation if necessary. The icing on the cake: organic ginger beer, we recommend! (Original) Venus à 7, il y en avait pour tous les goûts (nems, sushis, ramen, poke bowl...). On aurait pu penser que la qualité en serait dégradée mais au contraire, tout le monde était ravi de son choix, mention spéciale pour les sushis, la salade de choux et la soupe miso - le ramen sauté était juste un petit peu trop gras au goût du convive concerné. Joli salle, déco sympa jusque dans les toilettes. Commande par smartphone - il faut être connecté ! - qui permet un service rapide et aussi de recommander facilement si besoin. Cerise sur le gâteau : la ginger beer bio, on recommande !

4 months ago
Bulie noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I came when it was a sushi bar with floating trays. The concept evolved into an a la carte restaurant. I loved the atmosphere and the meal. Thank you for this delicious experience. (Original) Je suis venue lorsque c’était un sushi bar avec les plateaux flottants. Le concept a évolué en un restaurant à la carte. J’ai adoré l’ambiance et le repas. Merci pour cette délicieuse expérience.

4 months ago

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